Okay, you read the description, and it’s time for an explanation. Indeed, after 8 years of “Connectivity” with boards throughout the world, I finally found *THE* software for Macintosh® communication. Software so incredible, so “common-sensical,” it literally, utterly destroys all others.
Ladies and Gents...that software is “FirstClass™.”
Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking...that’s been around for a while, now. Yeah, but have *YOU* tried it??? Have *YOU* D/Loaded the list of FirstClass™ Servers? Have *YOU* sampled the awe of a totally graphic interface that makes TeleFinder™ and America OnLine™ look like an IBM Mainframe? Have *YOU* sat in wonder as you’ve Up-Loaded a file, Down-Loaded a file, and read mail & messages ALL AT THE SAME TIME?
Have *YOU* experienced the incredible GateWay effect of having boards around the world hooked through your Mac in such a way? Aye, if you haven’t answered in the positive up there, I suggest you (1) D/Load the FirstClass BBS numbers here in the RT (look under FirstClass or First Class), and (2) Get the firstClass Client v2.0.7, also in the RT.
It’s all up to you, man. I know for a fact that the Local BBS scene (wherever you are) is often a lame environment of TEXT-interface boards or Graphic Interface set-ups that no one uses. NOT TRUE with FirstClass™!
People, I may sound like a fanatic, here, but believe me...one trip through FirstClass™, one time that you D/Load a file and then move on to read messages at the same time, one peek into a Message base that sees CONSTANT action on a global basis, and one taste of incredible colour and sound...you’ll be hooked, I’m sure.
I’ve enclosed with this file a copy of the OneNet™ Map, to give you an idea of the reach FirstClass has in its GateWays. Remember, these are LOCAL boards. No toll or fees, except USUALLY the SysOps require a $15 per year donation. Small change, when you consider that every FirstClass board I’ve been on has at least one CD-ROM, plus HUUUUGE file and messages bases, some hooked-up straight to Apple Corporate.
So what’re you waitin’ for? FIRSTCLASS is out there! Now, go get it!